gs-019-02 A/T FS3 Getting Started. Edition 2. 9 November 2004 page 8 of 8
10 Supported Printers
The printers on this list have been tested with the A/T FS3. New printers will be added to our list when they are
tested. Note, however, that it is likely that all printers in the same family as a tested printer are also supported.
You should always use the newest available firmware – both for the printer and for the A/T FS3.
Monochrome printers: Digital Copiers/MFP: Color Printers:
FS-600 FS-3700+ (IPDS) KM-1650 FS-5800C
FS-680 FS-3750 (IPDS) KM-2050 FS-5900C
FS-800 FS-3800 (IPDS) KM-2530 (IPDS) FS-C8000
FS-1000 (IPDS) FS-3820 (IPDS)
FS-1010 (IPDS) FS-3830 (IPDS) KM-3035 FS-C8008
FS-1020 D FS-6020 (IPDS) KM-3530 (IPDS) FS-C8026
FS-1050 (IPDS) FS-6700 (IPDS) KM-4035
FS-1200 (IPDS)
FS-1700+ (IPDS)
FS-1750 (IPDS)
FS-6900 (IPDS)
FS-7000 (IPDS)
FS-7000+ (IPDS)
KM-4530 (IPDS)
Color Digital
FS-1800 (IPDS) FS-9100 (IPDS) KM-5230 KM-C830
FS-1800+ (IPDS) FS-9120 KM-5530 KM-C850
FS-1900 (IPDS) FS-9500 (IPDS) KM-6230 KM-C2630
FS-1920 FS-9520 KM-6330/-7530
11 Important information about IPDS printing with the A/T FS3
If you have purchased a key for IPDS printing, please take note of the following:
IPDS printing is available in selected monochrome printers and digital copiers/MFPs. These are marked with
IPDS in the above table. IPDS printing may work in other monochrome models, but they have not been
thoroughly tested.
For IPDS printing, a printer must have at least 12 MB RAM and in many cases, 16MB is advisable. This
memory must be installed before you install the Intermate LAN FS3; otherwise the printer will stall.
IPDS maximum resolution is 300 dpi.
12 Notices
Publication: Composed in Denmark. © Copyright 2004 Intermate A/S. Kongevejen 194A. 3460 Birkeroed Denmark. Tel: +45 72 26 04 00
Fax: +45 72 26 04 04 Information on supported printers and IPDS requirements is now incorporated into this document (gs-019-x) instead of
being provided separately on gs-018a (edition 2 was the last one published – 24 June 2003).
Disclaimers: Intermate A/S reserves the right to make changes to this document and to the products described herein without notice.
Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this document is free of inaccuracies and omissions. Intermate A/S, however, makes no
warranty of any kind including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with regard to this
publication. Intermate shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damage alleged in connection with the
furnishing or use of this information.
Approvals for industrial use:
FCC: Class A, subpart B of Part 15
EU: CE EN55022 Class B 1994; EN50082-1/1997.