A d v a n c e d F u n c t i o n s
36 U s e r ‘ s G u i d e
Assume that you have selected IBM Proprinter emulation. The document
is prepared for an HP LaserJet and contains 'start underline' and 'stop
underline' pass-through commands at several locations. To print the
document with an IBM Proprinter, the sequences must be converted.
To 'start underline', the IBM Proprinter uses ASCII value string $1B,
$2D, $31 and the HP LaserJet uses $1B, $26, $64, $44. 'Stop underline'
commands are $1B, $2D, $30 and $1B, $26, $64, $40 respectively.
The following pages show how to program these substitutions, both from a
Terminal and the System.
Programming String Substitutions from a Terminal
Start the Configuration from Terminal as described in Section 3.
Select the Edit Parameters entry in the Main Menu. Match and Substitute
Strings start from parameter #150.
Edit the first two string substitution pairs. Use the cursor keys to edit.
The Edit Parameters Menu now looks like this: