Model 70 Pocket PC User’s Guide
You may see the following status icons on the command bar.
Status Icon Meaning
Turns all sounds on and off
Backup battery is low
Backup battery is very low
Main batteries are charging
Main batteries are low
Main batteries are very low
External (AC) power source is connected
Dial-up connection is active
Direct connection is active
Opening Programs
You can switch from one program to another by selecting it from the Start menu. You
can customize which programs you see on this menu. For help, see “Customizing Your
Pocket PC,” later in this chapter.
Some programs have abbreviated labels for check boxes and drop-down menus.
To see the full spelling of an abbreviated label, tap and hold the stylus on the label.
Drag the stylus off the label so that the command is not carried out.
To open a program
Use your stylus to tap
, and then the program name. The program
you selected opens.
Press one of the four program buttons on the front panel. The icons on the buttons
identify which program opens.
Icon Program
Microsoft Task
Microsoft Contacts
Microsoft Notes
Microsoft Calendar