
Before You Begin
viii PB3 Mobile Printer User’s Guide
Web Support
Visit the Intermec web site at www.intermec.com to download our
current manuals (in PDF). To order printed versions of the Intermec
manuals, contact your local Intermec representative or distributor.
Visit the Intermec technical knowledge base (Knowledge Central) at
www.intermec.com and click Support > Knowledge Central to
review technical information or to request technical support for your
Intermec product.
Telephone Support
In the U.S.A. and Canada, call 1-800-755-5505.
Outside the U.S.A. and Canada, contact your local Intermec
representative. To search for your local representative, from the
Intermec web site, click About Us > Contact Us.
Service Location Support
For the most current listing of service locations, go to
www.intermec.com and click Support >Returns and Repairs >
Repair Locations.
For technical support in South Korea, use the after service locations
listed below:
AWOO Systems
102-1304 SK Ventium
522 Dangjung-dong
Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do Korea, South 435-776
Contact: Mr. Sinbum Kang
Telephone: +82-31-436-1191
E-mail: mjyun@awoo.co.kr
IN Information System PTD LTD
6th Floor
Daegu Venture Center Bldg 95
Shinchun 3 Dong
Donggu, Daegu City, Korea
E-mail: jmyou@idif.co.kr or korlim@gw.idif.co.kr