EasyLAN Wireless Interface Kit Installation Instructions 43
Chapter 5 — Setup in IPL
Sets WPA pre-shared key to “mykey”.
Removes the pre-shared key.
Roaming Bias
In an environment with several access points, the network adapter may
have problems deciding which access point to connect to. In order to
make the adapter less inclined to switch access points, it is possible for
the admin to change the ROAM setting.
ROAM can be set to a value of 1,2, or 3. A higher ROAM value means
that the network adapter is less inclined to roam. e default setting is 1.
Sets roaming inclination to medium.
Note: 802.1x is only supported by IPL v2.40 or later.
To increase security in wireless networks, IEEE 802.1x was introduced.
is method authenticates stations to the network (and in some cases
vice versa), via a supplicant subsystem so that only authorized devices can
get access to the network.
To increase the available memory, the supplicant subsystem is disabled if:
• EAP type and WPA is set to OFF.
• the printer has 8MB of SDRAM installed.
• there is no EasyLAN Wireless interface installed.
Supported EAP Types
EasyLAN Wireless supports these EAP types:
• TTLS: With PAP or MSCHAPv2 in the tunnel. Token Card (GTC
with static password), MD5-Challenge, and MSCHAPv2 may also be