12 Interphase Corporation
Three Ethernet LEDs, LED3, LED4, and LED5, driven respectively by the LXT971A
LED/CFG(1:3) outputs, are provided on the front panel.
TTY Console Serial Port
The SMC1 part of the CPM is used as a simple asynchronous serial port for connection to
a TTY console. An on-board RS232 transceiver translates the signals to RS232 electrical
levels which are routed to the 2.5mm stereo jack connector J4.
User-Programmable LEDs
Five user-programmable LEDs (CPU_LEDs) are provided: four on the board, and one on
the front panel. They are controlled through CPM I/O ports used as simple outputs.
)(B7;B(1 3% 2 7UDQVPLW(QDEOH
)(B7;B(5 3% 2 7UDQVPLW(UURU
)(B5;B(5 3% , 5HFHLYH(UURU
)(B5;B'9 3% , 5HFHLYH'DWD9DOLG
)(B0',2 3& ,2 0DQDJHPHQW'DWD,2
)(B7;B&/. 3& , 7UDQVPLWFORFN
)(B5;B&/. 3& , 5HFHLYH&ORFN
)(B5(6(7 3& 2 /;7UHVHWFRQWURO
)(B,17 ,54 , /;7LQWHUUXSW
Table 1-13. Asynchronous Console Serial Port Wiring
SMC1 Signal CPM I/O Port Dir J4 Connector
*1' ± ±5LQJ
7;' 3' 2 7LS
5;' 3' , 6OHHYH
Table 1-12. Ethernet Signals on the CPM (cont)
Ethernet Signal CPM I/O Port Dir Description