10VENTURE PART NO. 1093845
Ordinary oxygen supply units deliver oxygen continuously.
The normal breathing pattern is to inhale about one-third of the time,
and exhale two-thirds of the time. This means that continuous flow
units may be inefficient during user exhalation.
In contrast, the Venture Demand Oxygen Delivery Device (Venture
DODD) senses your inhalation and instantly releases a programmed
pulse of oxygen at a specified flowrate at the beginning of inhalation.
The specified flowrate of oxygen is delivered within the first second of
inhalation. Oxygen is not delivered during exhalation. This means that
your oxygen use time is extended by the ratio of breath duration over
the pulse duration. Venture DODD will extend user time an average of
four (4) times in the Variable duration breath mode.
Comfort is another advantage of the Venture DODD. Nasal drying caused
by continuous flow is eliminated, as oxygen is only delivered during
inhalation. Therefore, additional humidification is not necessary. Since the
oxygen is delivered at normal flowrates, there is not a high blast of oxygen
to the end user, which makes the
Venture DODD more comfortable than
other pulse systems.
The Venture DODD can be used in the traditional continuous flow mode
simply by turning the Venture DODD device OFF. Effective flow deliveries of
0.5 to 6 liters per minute (L/min.) can be instantly selected, in pulse or
continuous mode, by each individual as prescribed by your physician.
During pulse mode, the Venture DODD runs on a disposable D-cell battery
which must be replaced after approximately 80 hours of normal use
(Refer to the OPERATION section in this manual for information on the
Low Battery Indicator LED). During continuous mode operation, the unit
does not need the battery to operate.
NOTE: Actual Battery use time depends on your breathing rate.
The Venture DODD can be used with compressed gas or liquid
oxygen systems. Both 20 and 50 psig units were designed for use on
20 and 50 psig oxygen delivery systems, respectively.
NOTE: The 50 psig system should ONLY be used with the threaded (DISS)
fitting, and NOT the 12-inch connecting tube, as the pressure may be too
great for the tube to stay connected.