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Remove and empty
Dirt Dog’s bin
Clean Dirt Dog’s cliff detect
sensors (use compressed air)
Clean Dirt Dog’s brushes
A. Remove brush guard by pulling
both yellow tabs
To keep Dirt Dog running at peak performance, it is recommended that you
perform the following maintenance tasks every three uses:
Press button and
pull to remove bin
B. Remove and clean Dirt Dog’s
brushes. Remove brush caps and
use scissors to cut any hair wrapped
around the brush. Use the Dirt Dog
cleaning tool to comb hair from brush.
C. Remove and clean hair and dirt from
Dirt Dog’s brush bearings.
TIP: Bin emptying and brush cleaning should be done after every 3-5 cleaning
cycles depending on the amount of hair, dirt, and debris in your environment.
TIP: If you notice Dirt Dog picking up less debris from your floor, empty the bin
and clean the brushes.
Do not attempt to run Dirt Dog without the bearings. If you misplace Dirt
Dog’s brush bearings, contact iRobot Customer Care for replacement
Excessive build up of hair in Dirt Dog’s brushes and bearings can
permanently damage Dirt Dog. Inspect brush bearings regularly.
Visit www.irobot.com/usetips
for instructional photos
Sensors Sensors