Page 17 801P5 Smart Switch
In Programming Mode, you can:
• Change the set points
• Perform field pressure calibration
• Program Window or Standard Mode
• Change the password
• Program display update time
• Program delays for both switches
• Scale the readout
• Reset the Smart-Switch
to factory defaults
If your unit includes the 4-20 mA option, you can:
• Activate 4-20 mA mode
• Calibrate the 4-20 mA
• Scale the 4-20 mA output
If your unit includes the RS232 option, you can:
• Set the BAUD rate
The unit will not function as a switch while in programming
To access the programming mode, press the [MENU] key (See
Figure 7). On the initial startup, no password is required. If you
have previously set up a password, you must enter it at this time:
1. When the displays show ---O, press the [UP/DOWN
ARROW] keys to set the first digit.
2. Press [SELECT] to move to the next digit.
3. Repeat this process until display shows the correct password.
4. Press [STORE] to enter programming mode.