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The intent of the neutral start switch is to prevent the vehicle from starting while the gear selector is in any
position other than Park, or Neutral. When installing a Remote Start Device, it is imperative that the Yellow
Starter wire be connected to the ignition switch side of the Neutral Start Switch. Consideration for the place-
ment of a starter inhibit relay is important as well, and should be connected to the ignition switch side of the
Yellow Start Wire.
To test the integrity of the Neutral Start Safety Circuit:
1. Set the vehicle parking brake.
2. Block the drive wheels to prevent vehicle movement.
3. Temporarily disconnect the Brown/Black positive shut down wire from the vehicle's brake switch.
4. Sitting in the vehicle, start the engine using the vehicle's ignition key.
5. Step on the brake pedal and shift the gear selector into reverse.
6. Allow the transmission to shift. When you feel the engine pull, do not move the gear selector just turn the
ignition switch off. DO NOT attempt to remove the key.
7. Keeping the brake pedal depressed, activate the RF transmitter in an attempt to start the vehicle. The
car should not start.
8. Repeat the above test this time move the gear selector to the drive position. If the unit attempts to start,
failing this test, recheck your Yellow Wire's connection. This wire must be connected to the ignition switch
side of the Neutral Start Switch. If the vehicle you are working on does not have an Electrical Neutral Safety
Switch, it will be necessary to reconfigure the Remote Starts Wiring to accommodate this vehicle. The
information concerning the Mechanical Neutral Safety Switch provided below will help you to determine if
the vehicle you are working on has this type of safety switch and will provide alternate wiring methods to
accommodate this situation.
Mechanical neutral safety switch configurations differ slightly in that they do not offer the same level of safety
when installing a remote start device. Often when the ignition switch is turned off while the gear selector is in
any position other than park or neutral, the mechanical function will not allow the key to be turned to the start
position or be removed from the ignition cylinder. This configuration prevents mechanical operation while the
vehicle is in gear but offers no consideration for electrical operation. Because of this potential problem, this
installation requires the additional connection of a safety wire from the remote start device to the vehicle Park/
Neutral ECM Input or the vehicle key in sensor. This connection will prevent remote start operation if the key
is left in the ignition switch regardless of the gear selectors position.
The Park/Neutral ECM input is the preferred method of installation. This not only maintains the integrity of the
factory circuit, it is also the easiest to install, providing the vehicle you are working on has this ECM input.
The installation required for this application (shown below), indicates the slight reconfiguration of the control
switch wiring and the addition of a 4000 series diode. Shown is a typical GM Park/Neutral ECM input circuit.
To connect the Audiovox remote start unit to the GM Park / Neutral ECM input:
1. Locate the Orange / Black reference wire in the "C2" connector found at the ECM in GM B Body vehicles
or, locate the equivalent reference wire in the vehicle you are installing the Audiovox Remote Start Unit in.
2. Connect the Cathode, (Striped) end, of a 4000 series diode to this reference wire.
3. Connect the Anode, (Non Striped) end, of the diode to one side of the Remote Start j enable switch.
4. Connect the other side of the enable switch to the Black/White enable input wire of the Remote Start unit.
The reference diagram below shows a typical GM B Body ECM reference wire and how it is to be connected
to the Remote Start Unit.