buttons at the same time, then release. Then press either WARMER ( + )
or COOLER ( - ) button to select skimming/heater mode F0-F6 or lock
modes L1-L2 below:
Standard Skimming/Heating Modes
F0 5 minutes of skimming per day (one 5 minute “Blow-Out”
cycle every 24 hours to purge all plumbing lines)
F1 1 hour of skimming per day (one 30-minute cycle every
12 hours); this is the fact
ory default se
F2 1.5 hours of skimming per day (one 30-minute cycle every
8 hours)
F3 2 hours of skimming per day (one 30-minute cycle every
6 hours)
Economy Skimming/Heating Modes
F4 1 hour of skimming/heating per day (one 30-minute cycle
every twelve hours)
F5 1.5 hours of skimming/heating per day (one 30-minute
cycle every eight hours)
F6 2 hours of skimming/heating per day (one 30-minute cycle
every six hours)
Lock Modes
L1 Lock Out (disables all spa functions to permit filter cleaning)
L2 Lock Mode (disables the jets and light buttons to prevent
unauthorized use of spa.) Skimming/heater cycle will
continue to operate as programmed in this mode. The
temperature display flashes when this function is enabled.
Example: the “F3” skimming/heater cycle was enabled prior to
choosing lock mode. The spa continues to perform the “F3” cycle
until lock mode is canceled, allowing another cycle to be selected.
To set a time for the first skimmer/heating cycle, simply turn power on to
the spa two minutes prior to the desired time. EXAMPLE: If you desire your
first skimming/heater cycle to begin at 10:00 AM turn off power to the spa
and turn it back on again at 9:58 AM. Note: start time is approximate and
may vary slightly from day to day.
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