XJ Series 1998
CAN Messages by Node
Node: ABS / Traction Control Control Module
Transmitted by ABS / TCCM
Message Usage
CAN torque reduction throttle For traction control – throttle intervention
CAN fast torque reduction ignition For fast stability control response – ignition retard
CAN fast torque reduction cylinder For fast stability control response – cylinder fuel cut off
CAN traction status Indicates if the traction control algorithm is functioning
CAN ABS PECUS flag PECUS programmed status of ABS / TCCM
CAN vehicle reference speed Vehicle speed based on a standard wheel size
CAN reference distance traveled Rolling count – based on a standard wheel size
CAN ABS fault codes ABS DTCs, including OBDII P and C codes
CAN OBDII ABS clear acknowledge Acknowledgment that OBDII DTCs have been cleared
CAN ABS fault code MIL status Indicates whether the ABS DTC should switch MIL on
CAN ABS malfunction Malfunction information for ABS and brake systems
CAN ABS status Indicates whether ABS is operating
CAN left front wheel speed Left front wheel speed
CAN right front wheel speed Right front wheel speed
CAN left rear wheel speed Left rear wheel speed
CAN right rear wheel speed Right rear wheel speed
CAN NWM token – ABS Message for monitoring network status
CAN diagnostic data out – ABS From external diagnostics device only
Received by ABS / TC CM
Message Usage Source
CAN traction acknowledge Confirms torque reduction for traction control ECM
CAN traction estimated engine torque Derived from map of engine characteristics ECM
CAN transmission input speed Transmission input shaft speed TCM
CAN transmission output speed Transmission output shaft speed TCM
CAN torque converter slip Percentage of torque converter slop TCM
CAN kickdown Kickdown status TCM
CAN throttle position Throttle valve position ECM
CAN pedal position Accelerator pedal position, throttle demand ECM
CAN engine speed Engine speed ECM
CAN brake pedal pressed Brake switch status ECM
CAN OBDII clear fault codes Request for ABS and TCM to clear their OBDII DTCs ECM
CAN gear position actual Actual transmission gear state TCM
CAN torque converter status Indicates torque converter lockup TCM
CAN transmission shift map Dynamic shift program currently selected TCM
CAN transmission malfunction Transmission malfunction warning TCM
CAN gear position target Target gear position for next shift TCM
CAN torque transfer in progress Indicates torque transfer in progress during gearshift TCM
CAN transmission fault codes TCM DTCs, including OBDII P and C codes TCM
CAN engine OBDII MIL MIL control for OBDII DTCs ECM
CAN throttle malfunction red Red throttle malfunction warnings ECM
CAN throttle malfunction amber Amber throttle malfunction warnings ECM
CAN ECM fault code MIL status Indicates whether the ECM DTCs should switch MIL on ECM
CAN engine DTCs ECM DTCs, including OBDII P and C codes ECM
CAN NWM token – ECM Message for monitoring network status ECM
CAN NWM token – TCM Message for monitoring network status TCM
CAN NWM token – INST Message for monitoring network status INST
CAN diagnostic data in – ABS From external diagnostics device only DIAG