
*High-level (speaker) outputs are active only if high-level inputs are used.
Occasional refinements may be made to existing products without notice, but will always meet or
exceed original specifications unless otherwise stated.
JBL Cons u mer Pro ducts
80 Crossways Park West, Wo o d b u r y, NY 11797
8500 Balboa Boulevard, No r t h r i dge, CA 91329
1-800-336-4JBL (4525) (USA o n l y )
w w w. j b l . c o m
1997 JBL, Inc o r p o ra t e d .
JBL is a re g i s t e red tra de mark of JBL, Inc o r p o ra t e d.
5/97 Part No. TLXPS10/12
PS10 PS12
Amplifier Power (RMS) 100 watts 120 watts
Driver 10-inch High-Polymer 12-inch High-Polymer
Laminate Laminate
Inputs Line-Level & Speaker-Level Line-Level & Speaker-Level
Outputs* High-Level w/High-Pass High-Level w/High-Pass
Filter at 180Hz Filter at 180Hz
Crossover Frequency 50–150Hz 50–150Hz
(continuosly variable)
Frequency 30Hz to (90–150Hz) 23Hz to (90–150Hz)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 17 x 13 x 16 3/4 inches 19 3/4 x 15 x 16 3/4 inches
432 x 356 x 426mm 502 x 381 x 426mm
Weight 36 lbs/16.4 kg 43 lbs/19.5 kg
Shipping Weight 42 lbs/19 kg 49 lbs/22.3 kg
TLX PS10/PS12 OM 7/22/98 3:00 PM Page 5