Trouble Probable Cause Remedy
Drill press will not start.
1. Drill press unplugged from
wall, or motor.
2. Fuse blown, or circuit
breaker tripped.
3. Cord damaged.
4. Starting capacitor bad.
1. Check all plug connections.
2. Replace fuse, or reset circuit
3. Replace cord.
4. Replace starting capacitor.
Drill press does not come up
to speed.
1. Extension cord too light or
too long.
2. Low current.
1. Replace with adequate size
and length cord.
2. Contact a qualified
Drill Press vibrates
1. Stand on uneven surface.
2. Bad belt(s).
1. Adjust stand so that it rests
evenly on the floor.
2. Replace belts.
Noisy Operation.
1. Incorrect belt tension.
2. Dry spindle.
3. Loose spindle pulley.
4. Loose motor pulley.
1. Adjust belt tension. See
“Changing Spindle Speeds”,
page 12.
2. Lubricate spindle. See
“Lubrication” page 15.
3. Check tightness of retaining
nut on pulley, and tighten if
4. Tighten set screws in pulleys.
Workpiece Burns.
1. Incorrect Speed.
2. Chips not clearing from hole
or bit.
3. Dull drill bit.
4. Feeding too slow.
1. Change to appropriate
speed, see speed and pulley
chart, page 13.
2. Retract drill bit frequently to
remove chips.
3. Resharpen, or replace drill
4. Increase feed rate.
Drill bit wanders.
1. Bit sharpened incorrectly.
2. Bent drill bit.
3. Bit, or chuck not installed
1. Resharpen bit correctly.
2. Replace drill bit.
3. Reinstall the chuck, or bit
Wood splinters on the
1. No backing board used.
1. Place a scrap board
underneath the workpiece to
prevent splintering.
Drill bit binds in workpiece.
1. Workpiece pinching the bit.
2. Excessive feed rate.
3. Chuck jaws not tight.
4. Improper belt tension.
1. Support or clamp workpiece.
2. Decrease feed rate.
3. Tighten chuck jaws.
4. Increase belt tension, see
page 12.
Excessive drill bit runout, or
1. Bent drill bit.
2. Worn spindle bearings.
3. Bit, or chuck not properly
1. Replace drill bit.
2. Replace spindle bearings.
3. Reinstall the bit, or chuck
Quill returns too slow, or too
1. Spring has improper tension.
1. Adjust “Return Spring
Tension,” page 14.
Chuck, or arbor do not stay in
1. Dirt, grease, etc on arbor,
chuck, or spindle.
1. Clean all mating surfaces
thoroughly with a cleaner