Open shipping container and check for shipping
damage. Report any damage immediately to
your distributor and shipping agent. Do not
discard any shipping material until the Service
Jack is assembled and running properly.
The numbers in parentheses refer to the item
numbers on the parts breakdown, page 7.
1. Insert the handle (38) as far as it will go into
the handle socket (26).
2. Tighten the hex cap screw (30) securely.
When transporting the jack, the handle can be
removed and carried separately.
Before Operation
Before operating the jack, any air in the
hydraulic system must be removed. Proceed as
1. Open the release valve by turning the
release valve knob (39) counter-clockwise.
Pump the foot pedal (27) about six full
strokes to let the air out of the hydraulic
2. Close the release valve by turning the
release valve knob (39) clockwise as far as
it will go.
3. Pump the foot pedal (27) to raise the jack as
far up as it will go. Lower the jack by
opening the release valve (39).
NOTE: If the jack does not immediately respond
to the pump action, repeat steps 1 through 3.
Do not use a saddle extender
with this jack. Failure to comply may cause
damage to property and/or serious injury.
1. To raise the vehicle, make sure the release
valve knob (39) is closed – turn it clockwise
until resistance is felt; do not overtighten.
2. Carefully position the jack under the vehicle
with the saddle under the point of contact.
3. Pull the lock lever (31) up and push it over to
the left until it slides into the upper slot.
4. Pump the handle (38), or use the foot pedal
(27) to raise the vehicle.
5. To lower the vehicle, slowly and carefully
rotate the release valve knob (39)
counterclockwise. Speed of descent is
controlled by how much the knob is rotated.
Make sure all tools and
personnel are clear before lowering the load.
Lower slowly.
Lubricate the pin and other moving elements on
the Lifting Arm with #2 tube grease.
Lubricate the pin and other moving parts of the
Handle Assembly. Tighten any loose screws.
Insert grease into the grease fitting on the Front
With saddle completely lowered and handle in
its lowest position, remove oil plug and check oil
level. If low, fill with hydraulic jack oil until oil is
level with the inner cylinder as seen from the
opening of the filler hole.
NOTE: Completely drain and re-fill the oil tank at
least once a year. With saddle completely
lowered and handle in lowest position, remove
the oil plug. Lay the jack on its side and drain
fluid into an appropriate container. Re-fill with
good quality hydraulic jack oil and replace oil
plug. Never use brake fluid or any other highly
viscous or volatile oil.
Always store jack in the fully lowered position
with handle upright.