USD ($)
DESTINATION ...Continued...
0212 Brazil
Requires Code 1885 JDLink Capable.
Requires Code 8338 - Stage 2 Compliant Engine.
Requires Code 8306 - Severe Duty Fuel/Water Separator.
Country Specific Base Equipment Includes:
Code 2059 Deluxe CommandView II Cab
Code 7201 Deluxe Lighting
Same Price
0214 Colombia
Requires Code 1885 JDLink Capable.
Requires Code 8338 - Stage 2 Compliant Engine.
Requires Code 8306 - Severe Duty Fuel/Water Separator.
Country Specific Base Equipment Includes:
Code 2059 Deluxe CommandView II Cab
Code 7201 Deluxe Lighting
Same Price
0219 Suriname
Requires Code 1821 GS3 CommandCenter or Code 1823 Touchscreen GS3 CommandCenter,
Code 1835 Less StarFire 3000 Receiver, Code 1845 less AutoTrac Activation and Code 1885
JDLink Capable.
Requires Code 8338 Stage 2 Compliant Engine.
Requires Code 8306 Severe Duty Fuel/Water Separator.
Country Specific Base Equipment Includes:
Code 2059 Deluxe CommandView II Cab
Code 7201 Deluxe Lighting
Same Price
0500 No Package In Base Price
0525 Deluxe Scraper Value Package with Hi-Flow Hydraulics
Includes Codes: 2059, 2660, 3272, 3342 or 3361, 7201.
0526 Premium Scraper Package with Hi-Flow Hydraulics
Includes Codes: 1823, 2059,2661 or 2662, 3272, 3342 or 3361, 7202.
When using the GS3 CommandCenter as the only GreenStar display, GS3 CommandCenter is
capable of running AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, and Pivot Pro only (with appropriate
activations purchased and StarFire Receiver installed). When utilizing an additional
standalone GreenStar Display, ALL GreenStar applications must be run on the additional
GreenStar Display. See Online Configurator and Ag Sales Manual for more information.
Option availability limited by specific geographical regions. Please refer to region specific
price pages for appropriate ordering codes.
1821 GS3 CommandCenter 7" Color Display
Includes Access Manager user lockout software.
AMS Activations must be ordered through AMS price pages.
Does not include a cornerpost bracket for mounting an additional GreenStar Display.
In Base Price
1823 GS3 Touchscreen Command Center, 7" Color Display, Video Ready
Includes Access Manager user lockout software.
One video input and tractor function activated triggers.
AMS Activations must be ordered through AMS price pages.
Does not include a cornerpost bracket for mounting an additional GreenStar Display.
9560RT Scraper Tractor
16 May 2012 US & Canada
2-Tractors-08600- 5