Service—Every 600 Hours
GENERIC,0000060 –19–22FEB06–1/1
Check Engine Idle Speeds
Slow idle speed is 800-875 RPM.
With no load, fast idle speed should be a maximum of
2650 rpm.
If idle speeds are not correct, see your John Deere
Engine—Slow Idle—Speed 800-875 RPM...........................................
Engine—Fast Idle (with No
Load)—Speed 2575-2650 RPM...........................................................
GENERIC,000005F –19–22FEB06–1/1
Check Front Axle Pivot Pin
PY4067 –UN–27JAN05
Front axle
A—Front Axle Pivot Pin
Ask your John Deere dealer to check the front axle pivot
pin (A) for correct end play.
GENERIC,0000061 –19–22FEB06–1/1
Adjust Engine Valve Clearance
PY5509 –UN–16FEB06
Ask your John Deere dealer to make engine valve
clearance adjustment and inspect fuel injectors.