Lubrication & Maintenance/500 Hour/12 Month
OURGP11,000014F –19–27JUL06–2/2
RG12426 –UN–20NOV03
Closed Crankcase Vent
RG12427 –UN–03FEB04
Closed Crankcase Vent
A—Closed Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) Valve
B—Hose, CCV Valve to Intake Manifold
C—Hose, Valve Cover to CCV Valve
D—Valve Cover Vent Fitting
E—Intake Manifold Fitting
F—Cap Screw, CCV Valve to Bracket
G—Oil Drain Hose
H—Check Valve
I—Crankcase Oil Drain Tube
Closed Crankcase Ventilation System (If Equipped)
1. Inspect hoses (C, D and G) for kinks, blockage, or
other damage.
2. Inspect check valve (H) for damage. (Valve is installed
with black end toward crankcase).
3. Verify that crankcase oil drain tube (I) is not plugged.
4. Inspect CCV valve (A) for cracks or other damage.