MODEL 06621213 - 16 JOHN DEERE 717 & 727 PECO 11
Diagnostic Procedures
Trouble shooting procedures are provided in the chart below. To use these procedures,
first locate the problem below that best describes the trouble you have encountered. Check
the possible causes in the list one at a time. Correct any problems that are found and operate
the vacuum collector again to verify that you have eliminated the problem.
DO NOT attempt any major repairs without first contacting your dealer.
Arden, North Carolina 28704
Serial Number
Leaves and Grass 1. Engine speed too slow A. Run at full throttle.
not being picked 2. Ground speed too fast B. Use lower gear.
up completely 3. Hose plugged C. Check and tighten all hoses.
D. Unplug hose.
Hoses plug easily 1. Grass or leaves too wet A. Wait for drier conditions.
2. Grass too high B. Reduce ground speed/raise deck.
3. Container full C. Empty container.
4. Grass buildup in boot or D. Clean thoroughly.
under mower deck
Vacuum Collector 1. Buildup on blower blades A. Remove cone and clean blades.
blower vibrates 2. Bent or chipped blade B. Contact your dealer or PECO.
Unit fails to fill box 1. Engine speed too slow. A. Run at full throttle.
2. Buildup on inlet or screen B. Clean thoroughly.
3. Grass is too wet or long C. Wait for dryer conditions.
The Serial Number Plate is located
on the aluminum box near the
dump handle.
Model Number