OM 0408SB1174-A
A proper initial installation will give you years of
satisfactory service on your equipment. Please
read carefully following instructions that have
been specially included to help you and ensure
you are satisfied with your purchase.
Unfortunately, snowblowers will be faced
with forgotten or hidden objects under the
snow, such as : chain, tires, stones, pieces
of wood, etc. In spite of all our efforts,
machines are not built to resist all those
Danger: Tractors Too Big
It is dangerous to use a tractor that is too big and
powerful. The tractor will always be able to
overload the blower, even if the machine is
already at maximum capacity. Furthermore,
tractors being very high, the driveline angles will
be excessive which means the universal joints
will be very vulnerable and the life of the driveline
will be dramatically reduced.
How to Determine Driveline Angles
IMPORTANT: To obtain the proper universal
joint angles, it is recommended to adjust the
three point hitch at the furthest point from the
tractor recommended by the manufacturer
The universal joint angle is directly related with
the life of driveline. In order to reduce the angle, it
is necessary to increase the distance between
the snowblower and the tractor.
Angles of Driveline Joints Too Large
Reasonable Angles of Driveline Joints