Frothing Position: The dial points to the upper part of the face
(12 to 2 o’clock), which is used for Cappuccino. In the 12
o’clock position the frothXpress creates the most milk froth.
Turning the dial towards the 2 o’clock position increases the milk
temperature (Fig. 13).
Steaming Position: The dial points to the lower part of the face
(4 to 6 o’clock) which is used for Latte. Milk will be steamed, not
frothed. Turning the dial towards the 4 o’clock position increases
milk temperature.
Steam Only Position: When the dial points to the steam symbol
(3 o'clock), the siphoning is blocked. Only steam will pass
through the frothXpress.
The frothXpress dial points between 12 and 2 o’clock.
The thermal milk container is connected.
• Place your cup underneath the Cappuccino system (Fig. 16)
and push the One-Touch Cappuccino button (Fig. 4). The
C9 OT starts grinding, the display shows
briefly the coffee strength e.g. STRONG. It then siphons,
heats and froths milk for 14 seconds and adds 2 oz. of high-
pressure brewed coffee (Factory Settings, chapter 5). The
display shows
Tip: If you use a glass cup you can see how much froth is
created and how the coffee sits beneath the layer of milk froth.
Slightly stir to distribute the coffee evenly into the hot milk.
CAFÉ MOCHA: use chocolate milk or add chocolate syrup to
your cold milk and stir, then proceed as explained before.
LATTE: turn the frothXpress dial between the 4 and 6 o’clock
position and repeat above steps. Milk is steamed without froth.
Please note: You can always add an additional shot of espresso
by placing your cup under the Dual Coffee Spouts (Fig. 1.1) and
pushing the Espresso button. You can also add additional
hot milk (chapter 10e).
Please note: You can always stop the beverage preparation by
pushing any of the beverage buttons.
This beverage is very popular in Europe. It is normally served in
glasses, approx. 4 to 5 inches tall and 2 inches in diameter.
READY. The frothXpress dial points to the 12 to 2 o’clock position.
• Place your latte macchiato glass underneath the Cappuccino
system and push the Milk button (Fig. 4). The display shows
HEATING. When the display shows READY again, push the
Milk button again MILK. Milk is siphoned through the system
into the cup.
• When the desired amount of milk is in the cup, push the Milk
button to stop.
• Set the cup aside and wait a few seconds. During this time
the milk separates from the milk froth.
• Move the cup under the Dual Coffee Spouts and push the
Espresso button to add a shot of espresso. The coffee settles
between the froth and the milk giving the beverage the typical
multi-layered, Latte Macchiato look.