Model 330, 340SC, and 370SC Service Manual
A unit of measure of the flow, or rate of emission, of light.
An ordinary wax candle generates 13 lumens while a 100
watt bulb generates 1,200 lumens.
Abbreviated as "Y." The portion of the signal that contains
the black and white information, which affects brightness.
Single color and refers to monitors that display only one color
along with back, such as white on black, black on white,
green on black and amber on black.
(Multi-Channel Television Sound) A stereo TV signal is
transmitted together with the regular TV signal. Allows
stereo audio for TV.
Multisync Monitor
A display monitor that adjusts automatically to the
synchronization frequency of the video display board that's
sending signals to it. Multisync monitors can adjust to a
range of frequencies, but not all of them.
An undesirable electrical interference of a signal.
(National Television Standards Committee) The NTSC
governs the standard for television and video playback and
recording in the United States. The NTSC standard is 525
lines of resolution and is transmitted at 60 half frames
(interlaced) per second.
Optics Module
Contains the optics used to transmit light from the arc lamp to
the projection channels (blue, green and red).
Displaying less than the complete area of an image to a
viewer (i.e., scanning beyond the visible area). All TV sets
are overscanned at least slightly, so that viewers do not see
(Phase Alternate Line) The 625-line, 50-field system used in
the UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Australia, South
Africa and other countries.
Test pattern used to set B/W scale. Grid of four squares
within four squares.