
1-1 Connection Examples (Continued)
Step 1
Connection/Installation (Continued)
Caution when connecting different modes
For teleconference application, set units to Teleconference mode. For remote monitoring application, set units to Camera/Monitor
mode. Connecting units in different application modes will result some problems as following:
Teleconference mode - Monitor mode
Teleconference side: Audio of the monitor side is played back. Video will not be played back.
Monitor side: Video and audio of the teleconference side are played back.
Teleconference mode - Camera mode
Teleconference side: Video and audio of the camera are played back.
Camera side: Audio of the teleconference side is played back.
Teleconference mode - ISMA Server mode
Teleconference side: Video is played back and audio will be noise.
Streaming side: No playback
Monitor mode - ISMA Server mode
Monitor side: Video is played back and audio will be noise
Streaming side: No playback
Camera mode - ISMA Server mode
Camera side: Audio will be noise.
Streaming side: No playback
Monitor mode - Monitor mode
Only audio will be played back.
Camera mode - Camera mode
Only audio will be played back.
Observing the video and audio using another DM-NC40 unit (observer mode)
Observing stream is available by connecting another DM-NC40 unit to working DM-NC40.
Camera mode accepts observing at the time of shipment. For teleconference mode, a setting change using
API is required to accept observing. ( Page 54)
Remote Monitoring system (Camera mode and Monitor mode)
Observing is available by connecting from Monitor mode to Camera mode that is connected already to another Monitor
(At this time, ENCODE display lamp: OFF, DECODE display lamp: ON, SELECT button light: OFF (operation disabled),
PinP button light: OFF (operation disabled) on the observing unit.)
* The automatic recovery feature does not work with observing unit. Please reconnect.
Teleconference system (Teleconference mode and Teleconference mode)
After observing is enabled by API, observing is available by connecting from teleconference mode to teleconference
mode that is connected already to another teleconference mode.
(At this time, ENCODE display lamp: OFF, DECODE display lamp: ON, SELECT button light: OFF (operation disabled),
PinP button light: OFF (operation disabled) on the observing unit.)
When connecting different modes
See Caution when connecting different modes, above.