EN 59
Filename [DR-MH30US_09Editing.fm]
Page 59 Thursday, 8 July 2004 15:30
Manual Dubbing (From HDD To DVD)
It is possible to perform dubbing in the desired transfer rate.
1 Load a recordable disc.
2 Press DUBBING to access the Dubbing Menu screen.
3 Press rtw e to select “MANUAL”, then press ENTER.
4 Perform step 4 of “High Speed Dubbing (From HDD To DVD)”.
The Manual Dubbing screen appears.
5 Press rt to select “REC MODE”, then press ENTER. Press
rt to select the desired option, then press ENTER. The
confirmation screen appears.
● In Video mode, if the selected play list includes the scenes recorded
in the different transfer rate, the dubbing is performed in the highest
transfer rate of the scenes in the selected play list. However, the
lower transfer rate cannot be dubbed in the higher transfer rate.
● It is not possible during dubbing to play back on HDD or DVD or to set
Original Dubbing (From DVD To HDD)
It is possible to dub the original recordings on DVD discs to the
HDD deck.
1 Load a disc you want to dub.
2 Press DUBBING to access the Dubbing Menu screen.
3 Press rtw e to select “TITLE”, then press ENTER.
4 Press rtw e to select indexes (small pictures) of desired
original recordings and/or play lists, then press MARK. After
selecting all indexes you want to dub, press ENTER.
● You can select up to 8 original recordings and/or play lists.
5 Press rt to select “EXECUTE” or “AUTO POWER OFF”, then
press ENTER to start dubbing.
EXECUTE: Select this to continue the dubbing operations.
AUTO POWER OFF: Select this to continue the dubbing operations
and turn off the unit after dubbing.
CANCEL: Select this to cancel dubbing operation.
6 Press we to select “EXECUTE”, then press ENTER for
confirmation. The dubbing screen appears for 5 seconds.
● It is not possible to dub play lists on DVD discs.
● It is not possible to dub pre-recorded DVD VIDEO discs.
About Disc Remaining Display
The unit displays the time information for dubbing by bar meter. By
comparing the disc remaining time and the necessary time for
dubbing of the selected items, it is possible to check if the dubbing
can be performed completely or not.
When performing the High Speed Dubbing
When performing the Just Dubbing
● The unit displays the status on the assumption that the selected
items are dubbed in the lowest transfer rate.
● The total time of a loaded disc is displayed on the right of the bar
When performing the Manual Dubbing
● The unit displays the status on the assumption that the selected
items are dubbed in the lowest transfer rate.
● The available highest transfer rate is displayed on the right of the bar
The bar meter moves up and down regularly, but this is not a
Capacity of a disc Remaining capacity
Dark green: Length of already recorded item
Light green: Length of selected item
Yellow: Length of the item now being selected by arrow
Red: Excess over the capacity
DR-MH30US_00.book Page 59 Thursday, July 8, 2004 3:32 PM