For those who need high performance and the results to show for it, this camera
definitely makes the cut — with Wi-Fi and the analytical tools you need to
improve your game or bring out the best in any athlete.
Clear and Smooth Slow Motion Playback
Since Procision GC-PX100 records progressive video at a high data rate of
36Mbps, each individual frame is a high quality still picture. Compared to ordinary
slows, the motion is smooth and fluid, and the images are blur free to facilitate
analysis. This can be an invaluable tool in spotting minute errors in an athlete’s
form, and can help everyone from the promising novice to the star player to
improve their game.
Extract 9 Consecutive Stills from Video
Procision GC-PX100 lets you grab bursts of 9 still images from video at the touch
of a button, similar to the motor drive on an SLR still camera. These can be output
in the form of 9 individual full-size images, or a single image containing 9 index
photos in it, so you can choose the style that best suits your needs.
MediaBrowser for Editing and Sharing of Videos
The MediaBrowser SE for JVC
software supplied with Procision
GC-PX100 provides an intuitive
way to manage your recordings
as well as get creative with simple
drag-and-drop timeline based
editing. After viewing raw footage,
you can easily annotate and
upload it to a social network for
limited or global viewing.
Tagging Function for Quick Return to Important Scenes
While in the field recording, or while watching recorded footage, you can tag
scenes you’ll want to view again later by pressing a button. The tagging function
writes in an index mark in the recorded data that you can instantly jump to at any
10 sec.
Progressive video Ordinary (Interlace) video