Language codes (for DVD language selection)
Language Code Language Code Language Code Language Code Language
AA Afar FA Persian KK Kazakh NO Norwegian ST Sesotho
AB Abkhazian FI Finnish KL Greenlandic OC Occitan SU Sundanese
AF Afrikaans FJ Fiji KM Cambodian OM (Afan) Oromo SW Swahili
AM Ameharic FO Faroese KN Kannada OR Oriya TA Tamil
AR Arabic FY Frisian KO Korean (KOR) PA Panjabi TE Telugu
AS Assamese GA Irish KS Kashmiri PL Polish TG Tajik
AY Aymara GD Scots Gaelic KU Kurdish PS Pashto, Pushto TH Thai
AZ Azerbaijani GL Galician KY Kirghiz QU Quechua TI Tigrinya
BA Bashkir GN Guarani LA Latin RM
TK Turkmen
BE Byelorussian GU Gujarati LN Lingala RN Kirundi TL Tagalog
BG Bulgarian HA Hausa LO Laothian RO Rumanian TN Setswana
BH Bihari HI Hindi LT Lithuanian RW Kinyarwanda TO Tonga
BI Bislama HR Croatian LV Latvian, Lettish SA Sanskrit TR Turkish
BN Bengali, Bangla HU Hungarian MG Malagasy SD Sindhi TS Tsonga
BO Tibetan HY Armenian MI Maori SG Sangho TT Tatar
BR Breton IA Interlingua MK Macedonian SH Serbo-Croatian TW Twi
CA Catalan IE Interlingue ML Malayalam SI Singhalese UK Ukrainian
CO Corsican IK Inupiak MN Mongolian SK Slovak UR Urdu
CS Czech IN Indonesian MO Moldavian SL Slovenian UZ Uzbek
CY Welsh IS Icelandic MR Marathi SM Samoan VI Vietnamese
DZ Bhutani IW Hebrew MS Malay (MAY) SN Shona VO Volapuk
EL Greek JA Japanese MT Maltese SO Somali WO Wolof
EO Esperanto JI Yiddish MY Burmese SQ Albanian XH Xhosa
ET Estonian JW Javanese NA Nauru SR Serbian YO Yoruba
EU Basque KA Georgian NE Nepali SS Siswati ZU Zulu
• Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
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• “Works with iPhone” means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone and has been
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• Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
• iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
• iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
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