Once unblocked, a station will remain unblocked until the television is turned off.
Directions to Set TV Ratings:
To set a maximum allowed rating with the TV
Rating option:
To the Rating column
To the select the maximum rating
Once you have set a maximum rating, you can
also program the television to block certain
types of material based on the viewing
guidelines, such as programs with Violence or
Language warnings. (The television is shipped
with all categories set to ALLOW).
To the category you wish to block
To activate
Use these steps for each of the individual
guideline categories you wish to change. You
may choose to Block or Allow the viewing of
any or all the individual categories.
If you access a channel showing blocked
programming, you will be asked for the
passcode to unblock the channel. If you wish to
watch the channel, enter the passcode.
Special Note about Ratings
Some programs are not broadcast with a
ratings signal. Therefore, even if you setup
V-Chip ratings limits, these programs will
not be blocked. Parents are cautioned to
preview the contents of these programs or
V-Chip 21
Notes About Unrated Programs:
Unrated programming refers to any
programming which does not contain a rating
signal. Programming on television stations
which do not broadcast rating signals will be
placed in the “Unrated Programming" category.
Some examples of Unrated programs:
Emergency Bulletins
Locally Originated Programming
Political Programs
Public Service Announcements
Religious Programs
Some Commercials
• TV programs or movies that do not have rating
signals will be blocked if the Unrated Category
is set to BLOCK.
Directions to Block Unrated
Some programming you receive will not be
broadcast with a ratings signal. You may
choose to block this programming if you wish.
To block unrated programming:
To the Programs not rated column
To activate
If you set this option to BLOCK, the passcode
screen will appear when an unrated program is
tuned in.