5. Setting Via the Menu Screen (continued)
“PROCESS (1/2)” Screen
Function/Variable Values
For adjusting the pedestal level (master black), which is based on the black colour
when the lens cap is being put on. To view the black portion, increase the pedes-
tal level to brighten the entire screen.
Increase value : Increases pedestal.
Decrease value : Decreases pedestal.
{Variable Values: –10 - 0 - +10}
For setting to highlight the contour (detail).
“ON” : Highlight of contour enabled.
“OFF” : Highlight of contour disabled.
displayed as “- - - - - -”.
When “LOLUX” is activated, the adjustment feature will not work even if the menu
operation under “DETAIL” item is performed. (Displayed as “(OFF)”)
For setting highlight level of contour (detail) when “DETAIL” is set to “ON”.
Increase value : Sharpens contour.
Decrease value : Softens contour.
{Variable Values : –10 - 0 - +10}
For setting whether to emphasize the horizontal (H) or vertical (V) direction during
contour highlight (detail) when “DETAIL” is set to “ON”.
Increase value : Emphasize on H direction.
Decrease value : Emphasize on V direction.
{Variable Values : –5 - 0 - +5}
For altering the frequency for contour highlight (detail) when “DETAIL” is set to
“ON”. Set this according to the object.
“LOW” : Lowers the frequency for contour highlight.
Use this when shooting objects with large patterns.
“MIDDLE” : Sets the frequency for contour highlight to standard.
“HIGH” : Increases the frequency for contour highlight.
Use this when shooting objects with fine patterns.
For increasing the vertical resolution.
“NORMAL” : Vertical resolution of approx. 380 lines.
“V.MAX” : Vertical resolution of approx. 450 lines.
In the case of “V.MAX”, colours may be found on the brighter portions of the object
depending on its colour temperature. In addition, when the “LEVEL” item under
“SHUTTER” is set to “NORMAL”, there will be more residual images. For the
settings other than “NORMAL”, image will be darker than “NORMAL” as the sen-
sitivity is decreased by half.
Settings in bold are factory settings