8225xER PCI Adapter: LAN2 (Intranet)
Obtain an IP address automatically [Not Selected]
IP address []
Subnet Mask []
Default Gateway []
Perferred DNS Server []
Alternate DNS Server []
Host Name [vr-n1600]
DNS Domain Name [None]
Enc Board Bus Master Driver: Analog Camera Network (VR-N900U)
Obtain an IP address automatically [Not Selected]
IP address []
Subnet Mask []
Default Gateway []
Perferred DNS Server []
Alternate DNS Server []
Host Name [vr-n900]
DNS Domain Name [None]
Day and Time Properties
Automatically synchronize with an Internet server [Not Selected]
Time Zone [(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time](VR-1600U/VR-N900U)
[(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time](VR-1600E)
Auto Detect Settings [Auto Detect Settings] (A Page 113)
IP Lease [Enable] /Disable
IP Lease Parameter
Start Address []
Unit 1 Unit to/[20Units]/to 99 Units
Subnet Mask []
Gateway []
DNS Server
Primary []
Secondry []
Domain Name [None]
Lease Time Limit [No] /Yes
Client [Only Camera] /Any Client
Reserve MAC Address [None]
Distribution Settings [Distribution Settings (Details)] (A Page 118)
Server Configuration
Name [Server]
Port [80]
Enable Outside IP Address [Not Selected]
Max,number of clients [11]
User Administration
Full access for all users [Selected]
Log Files
Days to log [10]
Audit Log
Audit Log Enable Audit Logging/[Not Selected]
Language Support and XML Encoding
Language [Western(European)(iso-8859-1)]