Manufacturer Codes
JVC 00*, 02
Denon 01
Panasonic 03
Philips 13
Pioneer 04, 05, 06
RCA 07
Samsung 08
Sony 09
Toshiba 10
Yamaha 11, 12
Manufacturers’ codes are subject to change without notice. If they
are changed, this remote control cannot operate the equipment.
*Initial setting
For DVD player
To change the transmittable signals for
operating another manufacturer’s DVD player
1. Press and hold AUDIO .
2 Press DVD.
3. Enter a manufacturer’s code using buttons 1–9,
and 0.
See the list on the right column to find the code.
4. Release AUDIO .
After pressing DVD or DVD MULTI, you can perform the
following operations on a DVD player:
3: Start playing.
4: Return to the beginning of the current (or previous)
¢: Skip to the beginning of the next chapter.
7: Stop playing.
8: Pause playing. To resume, press 3.
After pressing DVD or DVD MULTI,
these buttons can be used for the DVD
menu operations.
For detailed menu operations, refer to the
instructions supplied with the discs or the
DVD player.
5. Try to operate your DVD player by pressing one
of the above buttons.
• DO NOT forget to turn on a DVD player before pressing one
of the above buttons.
If there are more than one code listed for your brand of
DVD, try each one until the correct one is entered.
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