Operating Precautions (continued)
Ⅵ Auto Focus
Although this camera comes with the one-push
auto focus and EASY AF auto focus features, auto
focusing may sometimes be impossible
depending on the object and camera settings.
When this occurs, adjust the focus manually.
Objects for which auto focusing is
• When brightness of the screen is extremely
high (bright)
• When brightness of the screen is extremely
low (dark)
• When brightness of the screen varies
continuously (eg. flashing lights, etc.)
• When there is poor contrast
• When vertical stripe patterns recur on the
Camera settings for which auto focusing
is difficult
• When the AGC gain level increases and the
screen becomes grainy
Ⅵ Read Me
Please read through the "Read Me" file in the
CD-ROM together with this instruction
Ⅵ Preset Positions
The is a total of 100 preset positions that can
be set, including the home position.
Ⅵ Image sending may be affected when this is
done on a network where multicast
transmission devices are connected, or on
networks for which there is transmission of
voluminous broadcast data. When this
occurs, ensure to employ a system design
that separates the camera from other
multicast or broadcast devices by making use
of a switching valve or VLAN with a multicast
control function.
Ⅵ When using the local recording feature with
a CF card, turning off the power during local
recording may damage the file. To prevent
damage of the file, make use of a UPS
(uninterruptible power supply).
Install at places that are strong enough
to support the camera weight.
Install this camera at places that are strong
enough to support its weight upon taking
into consideration the vibration force during
high-speed rotation as well as its mass
(approx. 1.2 kg). For ceiling materials that
are weak, such as overlay plywood and
plaster boards, reinforce by applying
reinforcements (veneer plywood). If
reinforcement is inadequate, image on the
monitor screen may be blurred due to
vibrations. In the worst scenario, it may even
fall and cause serious injuries if there is
someone underneath.
How to Use This Manual
Characters and symbols used in this manual
Caution Points to pay attention to during operation.
Note Details for reference, such as functions or constraints during use.
☞ Pages or items to refer to.
* JVC shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to the customer or any claim from a third
party arising from the use of this software.
Specifications of this software are subject to alteration for improvement without prior notice.
All product names that appear in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective companies. Marks and symbols such as ™,® and © do not appear in this
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