Section 28.23.29 Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
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B. Ensure system and all related components are configured to and comply with performance
requirements in:
1. Division 1, Section 01.86.33 Electronic Safety and Security Performance Requirements
2. Division 28, Section 28.01.20 Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Surveillance
C. User/Owner Training:
1. Provide original manufacturers [approved] [certified] training for system administrators and
operators designated by the Owner.
D. Documentation: Provide [x] set(s) of manufacturers hardware installation and software user guides
for each level of authorized users.
A. Follow manufacturers recommended practices for preventative maintenance.
B. Comply with Division 28, section 28.01.20 Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Surveillance
C. Ensure continuous, unrestricted airflow in environment where equipment is installed.
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