1-4. Click the [Add] button. When the [Add V.Networks] window appears
showing the list of V.NETWORKS currently registered in the workspaces
select the V.NETWORKS you want to add and click the [Add] button.
The addition is complete when the name of the added V.NETWORKS
is displayed in the [Currently registered V.Networks] field.
1-5. In the [Currently registered V.Networks] field, select and highlight the
V.NETWORKS to be deleted and click the [Delete] button. The deletion
is completed when the name of the specified V.NETWORKS disappears
from the [Currently registered V.Networks] field.
*Up to 16 V.NETWORKS units can be registered per View window. It
is not permitted to register more than 16 V.NETWORKS.
2. Changing the image switching interval
When more than one V.NETWORKS is registered in a single View window,
this function sets the interval of switching the images of different
V.NETWORKS in seconds. If it is not required to switch V.NETWORKS,
click the mouse right button and on the view window use [Pause Switching].