Ÿ Default Gateway: leave it blank as default setting. It is unnecessary to enter
Default Gateway if it is not used. Ask your Network Administrator for Default
Gateway information.
Ÿ Primary DNS: (same as above)
Ÿ Secondary DNS: (same as above)
Live Stream
Ÿ Protocol: This is used by Live View.
Users can select TCP or Http protocol.
Ÿ Port: This is Http port number of WEB server in the camera. When Http is
selected for Live Stream Protocol, Live View also uses the port number. We
recommend using the default port; if you need to change the default port, please
contact your system administrator. Options: 1025 to 65535 (80 is the default).
After changing the port number, enter URI with the port number to IE.
( Example: )
Ÿ Http: This is Http port number. We recommend using the default Http if you
need to change the default Http, please contact your system administrator.
Options: 1025 to 65535 (443 is the default).
Please click the “Save” button to save your settings. You can also
click the left button “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options
as defaults.
FTP Server
In this page, you can activate a FTP Server to visit SD card for SD recording result.
Ÿ Click “ON” to activate the FTP function. Then you should follow the following
procedures to set up related settings. Or “OFF” to disable the FTP function and
you can skip the following procedures.
Ÿ Enter a login ID if you activate the FTP function.
Ÿ Enter a password associated with a login ID.
Ÿ Re-enter the password to confirm it.
Ÿ Determine the number of maximum connections by selecting a number from
the drop-down list in the Max Simultaneous Connections field. Note: This parameter
is the max of FTP Client connections, not the max of IE Window’s connections.
Ÿ Enter ftp://<Login ID>:<Password>@<ip-address> in Windows Explorer, then you will find
the SD recording result.
The original setting is ftp://admin:jvc@ When you’re visiting the SD recording
files, date and time of record refers to the folder’s and file’s name.