Section 28.23.29 Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
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1. Two (2) hardwire alarm outputs
2. Image upload over FTP
3. Network notification via TCP, UDP or email
c. Digital motion detection
d. Privacy Mask: free shape building
e. Provide 8MB for pre and post alarm image recording buffer
12. Viewing adjustments:
a. Free Scaling image clipping
b. Digital Pan, Tilt and Zoom functions
c. Focus Assistance
13. Display Mode:
a. Custom
b. LCD1
c. LCD2
d. CRT
14. Provide Bi-directional Audio:
a. Two Way
1. Full or Half Duplex
b. One Way
c. Mic in
d. Monaural line level audio output
C. Hardware
1. Provide IP camera with built in FTP Client capability for storage of alarm images
2. Minimum Personal Computer requirements:
a. Operating system:
1. Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition) Service Pack 2
2. Windows VISTA Business Service Pack 1
b. Processor: Pentium4, 2 GHz or higher (WinXP)
c. Memory: 2 GB or higher
d. Hard Disk Drive: 512 MB or more
e. Video Card: 1600 x 1200 pixels, True Color, 24 or 32 bit
f. VRAM: 256 MB
g. Web Browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 (Windows Vista) or 6.0 (Windows XP)
3. Provide firmware update via HTTP
D. Software
1. Access security:
a. Provide three (3) password protected User Access levels
2. Video Compression:
a. Motion JPEG - Selectable Compression Levels:
1. VFS: Seven (7) steps
2. AFS: 3KB ~ 200KB
b. MPEG-4:
1. Adjustable bit rate
3. Audio Compression:
a. µ- law 64 kbps
b. AD/DA 16 bits, Fs=8kHz
4. Provide built in ActiveX Viewer