Vegetables Preparation & Tips Quantity Cooking Time
Artichoke remove the hard outer
leaves and stalk
2 medium 30-35 mins
Asparagus trim, leave in spears 1 bunch 12-14 mins
Beans top and tail, leave whole 250gm 13-15 mins
Beetroot small-medium trim, do not break skin 3 pieces 12-13 mins
Broccoli cut into florets 250gm 8-10 mins
Brussel Sprouts cut a cross in the base 375gm 17-19 mins
Cabbage large pieces 500gm 10-12 mins
Carrots 1.25cm slices 2 medium 14-16 mins
Capsicums cut into strips 2 medium 14-16 mins
Cauliflower cut into florets 375gm 17-19 mins
Celery slice into strips 2 stalk 5-6 mins
Corn whole corn cobs 2 small ears 15-17 mins
Mushrooms whole, unwashed 300gm 8-10 mins
Onions (cocktail) peeled, leave whole 6 small 20-25 mins
Snowpeas Top and tailed 250gm 4-5 mins
Potatoes all purpose whole 4 (150-180gm ea) 35-40 mins
Potatoes new whole potatoes 6 (125gm ea) 25-30 mins
Pumpkin cut into pieces 500gm 20-25 mins
Spinach (English) leaves & stems cleaned ½ bunch 5 mins
Squash (baby) top and tail 350gm 8 mins
Turnips peeled, sliced and cut to
50gm pieces
350gm 15-17 mins
Zucchini sliced 350gm 6 mins
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