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Only trained personnel is permitted to add
motor, gear and pump oil.
Align the appliance horizontally prior to
check the oil level in order not to get a false
Check the oil prior to starting the appliance
or at least 5 minutes after switching off the
Increased risk of fire! When filling the motor
oil make sure that no oil lands on hot motor
Remove the oil dip, wipe it and reinsert it.
Î Remove the oil dip one more time and
check the oil level.
The oil level is correct if it is within the mark-
ings (arrows) on the oil dip.
Î If the oil level is below the bottom mark,
open the filler neck lid (arrow) and add
fresh motor oil.
Î Wait five minutes, until the oil has col-
lected in the oil pan.
Î Check the oil level as described above.
Î Repeat this procedure as often as nec-
essary until the oil level is between the
markings on the oil dip.
Î After the check, insert the oil dip and
close the lid of the filler neck.
Only trained personnel is permitted to add
motor, gear and pump oil.
Replace the oil while the motor has operat-
ing temperature. Align the appliance hori-
zontally prior to the oil change.
Maintenance intervals
Time Activity By whom
Prior to each drive Check the lighting. Operator
Check the tyre pressure and their state. Operator
Every 10 operating
hours or daily
Check oil level in the pump gear (see "Initial startup"), refill oil if needed. Operator
Check the water filter and clean if necessary. Operator
Check coolant level in the equalisation container (see "Initial startup"), refill coolant if need-
Once after the first 50
operating hours
Replace motor oil (see "Maintenance Procedures"). Customer Service
Replace oil filter insert on motor. Customer Service
Check the screw connections on the motor. Call customer service if necessary. Customer Service
Once after the first 150
operating hours
Replace oil in the pump gear. Customer Service
Replace oil in the intermediate gear. Customer Service
Every 50 operating
hours or weekly
Check pipes to see if there are any leaks. Operator
Check the V-belt tension, retension if necessary (see "Maintenance Procedures"). Customer Service/
Check hoses for wear, replace if required. Customer Service/
Every 100 operating
Check/clean the air filter insert (see "Maintenance Procedures"). Operator
Check the screw connections on the motor. Call customer service if necessary. Customer Service
Every 200 operating
Replace motor oil (see "Maintenance Procedures"). Customer Service
Replace oil filter insert on motor. Customer Service
Every 400 operating
Replace the fuel filter. Customer Service
Cleaning the water separator. Customer Service
After 750 operating
hours or once a year
Lubricate the brake on the drawbar (see "Maintenance Procedures"). Operator
Replace air filter insert (see "Maintenance Procedures"). Customer Service
Replace V-belt. Customer Service
Every 1500 operating
Check the injection pressure at the fuel injector nozzle. Customer Service
Every 3000 operating
Replace oil in the pump gear. Customer Service
Replace oil in the intermediate gear. Customer Service
Every other year Check the coolant in the motor and replace (see "Maintenance Procedures"). Customer Service/
Maintenance Works
Check the oil level on the motor and add
motor oil
Oil change (to be performed by custom-
er service only)
Above 25 °C SAE30 or
SAE 15W-40
0 °C to 25 °C SAE20 or
SAE 15W-40
Below 0 °C SAE10W or
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