13-14 BRAKES
Caliper D isassembly
Caliper (see Caliper Removal)
Pads (see Brake Pad Removal)
Anti-rattle S pring
Using compressed air, remove the piston.
Cover the caliper opening with a clean, heavy cloth [A].
Remove the piston by lightly applying compressed air [B]
to where the brake line fits into the caliper.
To avoid serious injury, never place your fingers or
palm inside the caliper opening. If you apply com-
pressed air into t he caliper, the piston may crush
your hand or fingers.
If compressed air is not available, do as follows with the
brake hose connected to the caliper.
Prepare a container for brake fluid.
Remove the pads (see Brake Pad Removal) and anti
-rattle spring.
Pump the brake lever to remove the caliper piston.
Dust Seals [A]
Fluid Seals [B]
Bleed Valve [C] and Rubber Cap [D]
Boots [E] and Caliper Holder [F]
Caliper Assembly
Replace the fluid seal [A] with a new one.
Apply brake fluid to the fluid seal, and install it into the
cylinder by hand.
Replace the dust seal [B] with a new one if it is damaged.
Apply brake fluid to the dust seal, and install it into the
cylinder by hand.