Fuel Injectors
Injector Signal Test
Prepare two test light sets with male terminals as shown.
Rating of Bulb [A]: 12 V × 3 ~ 3.4 W
Terminal Width [B]: 1.8 mm (0.07 in.)
Terminal Thickness [C]: 0.8 mm (0.03 in.)
Do not use larger terminals than specified above. A
larger terminal could damage the injector main har-
ness connector (female), leading to harness repair
or replacement.
Be sure to connect bulbs in series. The bulb works
as a current limiter to protect the solenoid in the
injector from excessive current.
Disconnect the connectors for injector [A].
Connect each test light set [B] to the injector sub harness
connector [C].
Turn the ignition switch ON.
While cranking the engine with the starter motor, watch
the test lights.
If the test lights flicker at regular intervals, the injector
circuit in the ECU, and the wiring are good. Perform the
“Injector Resistance Inspection”.
Injector signals can be also confirmed by connecting the
hand tester (× 10 V AC) instead of the test light set to
the injector main harness (female) connector. Crank the
engine with the starter motor, and check to see if the hand
oscillates at regular intervals.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If the test light doesn’t flicker (or the test hand doesn’t
oscillates), check the wiring and connectors again. If the
wiring is good, replace the ECU (see ECU section).
Injector Resistance Inspection
Remove the air cleaner housing (see Air Cleaner Housing
Disconnect the connector from the injector [A] (see Throt-
tle Body Disassembly/Assembly).
Measure the injector resistance with a digital meter.
Injector Resistance
Connections to Injector
Meter (+) Meter (–)
#1: W/R
BL/R Terminal
#2: W/R
BL/G Terminal
#3: W/R
BL/BK Terminal
#4: W/R
BL/Y Terminal
Standard: about 11.7 ∼ 12.3 Ω at 20°C (68°F)
If the reading is out of the range, perform the “Injector Unit
Test ”.
If the reading is normal, perform the “Injector Unit Test”
for confirmation.