For quicker, eas_er blending, cut food Into 2-In. tong pieces before adding [o brander ar
To chop, grate or prepare frutt smoothies, with either fresh or frozen fruit, cut fruit into
about 3/4-inch long pieces
To best circulate foods or fruit thai are to be blended wtth liquid, pour the HquidInto the jar
first, Ihen add the solid foods or fruit
Some tasks cannel be performed efficiently with a blender, These are: Beating egg whites
whipping cream, mashing potatoes, grinding meats, mixing dough and extracfing juices
from fruit and vegetables
The following items should never be placed in Iha blender jar, as they can cause damage:
Bones, large pieces of acrid frozen foods, or dense, tough foods such as turnips
To crush ice. ALWAYS have liquid in the jar Slart out with 2 cups of liquid, and add about
2 cups of ice cubes Hold one hand firmly on the lid Push the Ice Crush button
If more ice isneeded, remove the measuring cup in the middte of the lid and add cubes
one at a time through lhe hole in the lid DO NOT CRUSH ICE WITHOUT LIQUID
Failure to follow Ihese directions can result in damage to lhe blades, Jar,biender motor,
and possibty result in personal injury,
ifyou should ever need replacement parts for this blender, cenlact Sears Parts and
Repair Service at 1-800-4-MY-HOME _',
1 Before c!aaning, unplug the blender.
2. Rinse )?arts ( or, blade assembly, gasket, collar, lid and measuring cup inner lid)
mmediately after branding for easier cleanup
3 AJtremovable parts can be washed by hand or tn a dishwasher The lid, measuring
cup, collar, gasket and blade assembly sheuid be placed in the top rack only.
Disassemble before placing in Ihe dishwasher. The jars are boltom rack
dishwasher-safe Do not place the jar or any other parts in boiling liquids.
4 The meier/base is designed to be resistant le liquids if liquids spitl into the motedbase
• Unplug lhe moierlbase
,, Wipe with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly
5 Do not use abrasive scouring pads or cleaners on base as finish may become
scratched or damaged