9 The Reheat selling is for reheating foodwilhout browning On the 4-slice model, there
are Iwo separate Reheat buttons, one for each side of the toasler To use this feature,
place bread or other food to be reheated in the slots, push lhe Toast Conlml Lever down
until il clicks, then press the Reheal button The Reheat bu_lon will Illuminate to show
thai reheating is in progress, and will stay on until food is warm or until lhe Cancel butlon
is pushed
NOTE: If food becomes jammed or wedged in the toasler, the buill-in Auto Power-Off
function will automatically shul the power off UNPLUG the cord and move the Toast Control
Lever up and down a few limes to raise the iammed food item. NEVER use metal ulensils
tofree rood
• DO NOT immerse the toaster In water or any other liquid.
• ALWAYS UNPLUG the loasler from the electric outlet before cleaning
The Slide-Out CrumbTrayla located at the bottom sideoftheToaster.
Note=The 4_Sltcamodel has 2 crumbtrays.
1. For ease tn cleaning,grasp the CrumbTray Handleand pullcrumb trey(s)ati the
waycompletelyoutof the toaster..Brushcrumbsfrom theTray(a)and, ifnecessary,
wipe withe cTean,damp cloth,
2, ALWAYS dry the Tray(s)thoroughlybefore replacing tn toaster, When raptaclng,
be sureto push firmly so the tray la fully inserted Inthe bottom of the toaste_,
WipeToasteroutersurfaceswitha sllghtly dampened softclothor spongeand drywith
a clothor paper towel DO NOT use strongor abrasive c]eanere, as they mayscratch
the surface,and NEVER spray cleanersdirectlyontotoaster.