Load is wrinkled
• Did you unload the washer promptly?
Unload the washer as soon as it stops.
• Did you overload the washer?
The wash load must be balanced and not overloaded. Loads
should move freely during washing.
• Are the hot and cold water hoses reversed?
Check to be sure the hot and cold water hoses are connected
to the right faucets. See "Permanent Installation
Load is tangled or twisted
• Did you overload the washer?
See "Starting Your Washer" for maximum load size. Loads
should move freely during washing.
Gray whites, dingy colors
Did you properly sort the load?
Dye transfer can occur when mixing whites and colors in a
load. Sort dark fabrics from whites and lights.
Was the wash temperature too low?
Use hot or warm washes if safe for the load. Make sure your
hot water system is adequate to provide a hot water wash.
Did you use enough detergent, or do you have hard
Use more detergent for washing heavy soils in cold or hard
water. Water temperature should be at least 70°F (21°C) for
detergent to dissolve and work properly.
Garment damage
• Check the following:
Were sharp items removed from pockets before washing?
Empty pockets, zip zippers, snap or hook fasteners before
Were strings and sashes tied to prevent tangling?
Were items damaged before washing?
Mend rips and broken threads in seams before washing.
• Did you overload the washer?
See "Loading" for maximum load size.
Did you properly add chlorine bleach?
Do not pour chlorine bleach directly on load. Use your liquid
chlorine bleach dispenser. Wipe up bleach spills. Undiluted
bleach will damage fabrics. Do not place load items on top of
the bleach dispenser when loading and unloading the washer.
• Did you follow the manufacturer's care label instructions?
For permanent installations: Are the hot and cold water
inlet hoses reversed?
As washing progresses, the wash temperature will decrease
slightly for hot and warm washes. This is normal.
• For portable installations: Is the Wash Temp set at Cold?
See "Portable Installation Instructions."