iii!FiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFii iiF iiiiiiii iiiiiii!iiiiiFFiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii i i i i iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii! ; !! iiiiii iiiiiiiii i i!i iiii; i!!iiiii iiii iiiiii iiiii i ii iii
Review this table to find do-it-yourself solutions for minor performance problems. Any ser-
vice needed, other than those described in this owner's manual, should be performed by
an authorized Sears Service Center.
WARNING Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect electrical supply before servicing or cleaning the unit.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury.
Cleanerwon't start.
Poorjob of dirt
Cleaner startsbut
1, Unplugged at wail ougeL
2. Tripped circuit txeakedbinwn fuse
at hoL;sehold service panel.
3. Loose hose electrical connections.
1. Full or clogged dust bag.
2. Clogged airflow passages.
3. Dirty filters.
4. Wrong pile height setting
5. Suction control is open.
6, Hole in hose.
7, Worn Power-Mate _" agitator.
8, Worn or b_oken belt.
9, Dirty agitator or end caps.
10. Canister hcod open.
1. Hose o_ hond electrical connections.
2. Tripped ovedcad protector in
P_wer.Mate s.
3. Tripped thermal pzetectof
in canister.
1. Pluginfirmly, pushON/OFFswitch_ ON.
2. Resetcircuilbreakeror replacefuse.
3, Reconnect hose ends, (page 7)
1. Change bag, (page t3).
2. Clear ai_ow passages, (page 13)`
3. Change lifters, (page 14-15).
4. Adjust setting, (page 10).
5. Adjust control (page 11).
6. Replace hose.
7. Change agffator. (page 18)
CLEANING (pages 16-17).
10. Clese and latch hood.
Ched_mnnec_s, _or=',ecthoseeeds,(page7),
Removeany itemsthatmaybecaagh_
orjammed,then reseL If cleanerstarts
Turnoffand unplugthevacuumfr_, oulleland
waitapproximately50minutesandplugthe vacu-
umin, lurebackon to see ifthe protectorhas
reset,(page 12) Changedustbag,clear airflow
blockage,(page 13).
POWER-MATE_ will not 1. Power-Male_connectlens 1. Plug_nfirmly,(page6).
runwhen attached, unplugged¸
2. Wornor b_okenbelt. 2 & 3. See BELTCHANGINGANDAGITATOR
3, Dirtyagitate(orend caps+ CLEANIN_ (pages16-17)
4. Tr;pgedovedoadpmtectcrin 4. Checkagitaler areaforexcessivellnt
Pew---Mate_ build-uporjamming.Cleanag_tor and
end caps,thenreset, (pages 11,16-17).
5. Switchnot in CARPETposition. 5. Moveswitchto CARPETpasition. (page8).
Electronic8agtHose 1. Fullor cloggeddustbag, 1. Changebag,(page13),
Check Indicatoractivates. 2, Ditty riflers. 2. ChangeI_llers,(page14-15).
3. Bledxedairflowpassage. 3. Clearblect<agefromairflowpassage.(page13).
4. Certainattar,hmentloots, 4. Thisisnon'nat.Light shouldgooff
Cleaner picks up moveable 1. Wrongpileheightsetting. 1. AdjListsetting,(page 10).
rUgS"or-POWER..MATE_ 2. Sl_ctiontooatrong 2. Oge_suctinncontr_.(page 11),
Ught won't work. 1. Burnedoutlightbulb. 1. Cba_gelightbulb,(page17).
Cord won't rewind. 1, Dirtygewercord. 1. Cleanthe bewercord.
2. Cordjammed. 2. Pull outcordandrewind.
Cleaner leavesmarks oncarpel 1. Wrongvacuuminggeite_n. 1. Se_ VACUUMINGTIPS, (page9).