PrOlmr Placement and Clearance of Grill
Nevw use your gas grillin a garage, porch, shed,
b_way or any other enclosed area. Your gas grillis
to I_used outdoors only, at least 24 inches from the
back and side of any combustible surface. Your
gasgrill should not be placed under any surface
that will bum. Do not obstruct the flow of ventilation
air mound the gas grill housing.
Thiseutdoor gas grill is not intended to be installed in
or ommcraational vehicles and/or boats.
Failure to comply with these instructions
¢muld result in a fire or explosion that
¢mald cause serious bodily injury, death,
m" property damage.
• Never connect an unregulated LP gas tank to
jour gas gdll. The gas regulator assembly
supplied with your gas grill is adjusted to have
an outlet pressure of 11" water column (W.C.)
for connection to an LP gas tank.
• Only use the regulator and hose assembly
supplied with your gas grill. Replacement
regulators and hose assemblies must be those
specified by Sears.
• Have your LP gas tank filled by a reputable
i=opane gas dealer and visually inspected and
m-qualified at each filling.
• Never fill the gas tank beyond 80% full.
Nave your propane gas dealer check the
release valve after every filling to ensure that
it remains free of defects.
• Aways keep LP gas tanks in an upright
• DOnot store (or use) gasoline or other flammable
wapors and liquids in the vicinityof this gas grill.
• /m LP gas tank that is not connected for use must
not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other gas
• Do notsubjectthe LP gas tank to excessive heat.
• Never store an LP gas tank indoors. If you
store your gas grill in the garage or other
indoor location, always disconnect the LP gas
tank first and store it safely outside.
• [P gas tanks must be stored outdoors in a
well-ventilated area. Disconnected LP gas
tanks must not be stored in a building, garage
or any other enclosed area.
• _up,_:;_your gas grill iS not in use the gas
l,:;:_t be turned off at the LP gas tank.
• "lhe regulator and hose assembly must be
inspected before each use of the grill. If there
is excessive abrasion or wear or if the hose
is cut, it must be replaced prior to the grill
being used again.
• Keep the gas regulator hose away from
hot grill surfaces and ddpping grease.
Avoid unnecessary twisting of hose. Visually
inspect hose prior to each use for cuts,
cracks, excessive wear or other damage.
If the hose appears damaged do not use the
gas grill. Call Sears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME for
a Sears authorized replacement hose.
• Never light your gas gdll with the lid closed
or before checking to insure the burner tubes
are fully seated over the gas valve orifices.
• Never allow children to operate your gdll. Do
not allow children to play near your grill.
A strong gas smell, or the hissing sound of
gas indicates a serious problem with your
gas grill or the LP gas tank. Failure to
immediately follow the steps listed below
could result in a fire or explosion that could
cause serious bodily injury, death, or prop-
erty damage.
Shut off gas supply to the gas grill.
Turn the control knobs to OFF position.
Put out any flame with a fire extinguisher.
Open gdll lid.
Get away from the LP gas tank.
Do not try to fix the problem yourself.
If odor continues or you have a fire you
cannot extinquish, call your fire department.
Do not call near the LP gas tank
because your telephone is an electrical
device and could create a spark resulting
in fire and/or explosion.
CAUTION: Spiders and small insects occa-
sionally spin webs or make nests in the gdll
burner tubes during t]'ansit and warehousing.
These webs can lead to a gas flow ob-
struction which could result in a fire in and
around the burner tubes. This type of fire is
known as a "FLASH-BACK" and can cause
serious damage to your grill and create an
unsafe operating condition for the user.
Although an obstructed burner tube is not
the only cause of "FLASH-BACK", it is the
most common cause.
To reduce the chance of "FLASH-BACK",
you must clean the burner tubes before
assembling your grill, and at least once a
month in late summer or eady fall when
spiders are most active. Also perform this
burner tube cleaning procedure if your grill
has not been used for an extended period
of time.