To applique a design on a sewing project or
1. Baste the applique to the top of your fabric.
2. Then use satin stitch to attach permanently.
You may want to use a contrasting color
NOTE: For best results, be sure your satin stitch
covers the bottom fabric and the top
Embroidery and Monogramming
Satin stitch method
Satin stitch can be used to produce many
different designs and patterns.
1. Set controls the same as for satin stitch.
2. Back the fabric with paper or interfacing.
3. Draw the design on to the fabric with tailor's
4. Satin stitch, adjusting the stitch width as
necessary to form each pattern.
5. If using paper, carefully remove it when you
have finished sewing.
Free hand method
1. a. Attach the feed cover plate (see page 20).
b. Remove the presser foot holder (see
page 19).
c. Set the stitch width at 1 to 5 as desired.
2. Draw the design on to the fabric with tailor's
3. Stretch the fabric between embroidery hoops
and place under the needle.
4. Lower the presser foot lever to engage the
top thread tension.
5. a. Holding the top thread in your left hand,
rotate the hand wheel toward you one
complete turn.
b. Pull the top thread to draw the bobbin
thread through to the surface of the fabric.
6. Using a medium speed, stitch along the
marked outline, guiding the fabric carefully
by hands.