Straight Stitch
(_ Stitch pattern selector: A - E
(_ Presser foot: Zigzag foot
(_ Needle thread tension: 2 to 6
Approximate stitch length (inch/ram)
Pattern A B C D
Length 0.04/1 0.08/2 0.12/3 0.16/4
Stitch length can be varied by setting the pattern selector
dial in between the patterns A to D.
There are 5 positions between the adjacent patterns.
Starting to sew
Raise the presser foot and position the fabric next to a
seam guide line on the needle plate (5/8" [1.6 cm] is
common). Lower the needle to the point where you want
to start. Lower the presser foot and pull
toward the back. Depress the foot
the fabric along a seam guide line
* Finishing sewing .......
To fasten the ends of a seam, press t_ ;_verse stitch
control and sew several #_ _:B_ stitch_: _iSe the
presser foot.
back and cut cutter.
now the proper I begin sewing _he
CAU TION: Do n fi ngers n presser foot
when guiding fabl ihe needle j _ screw may
strike and injure y_ _i_ers
Use the Seam
Cornering guide
(_) Guide lines in inches
(_ Guide lines in millimeters
The seam guides on the needle plate are there to help you
measure seam width. The numbers on the needle plate
indicate the distance between the center needle position
and the edge of the fabric. The lines are 1/8" (0.3 cm)
apart, and are engraved at 3/8", 4/8", 5/8" and 6/8". The
lines in millimeters are 5 mm apart, and are engraved at 10
mm, 15 mm and 20 mm.
Turn a Square Corner
(_ Cornering guide
When sewing with fabric edge at 5/8" seam guide, to turn a
square corner so that sewing continues at the same
distance from edge:
1. Stop stitching when the front edge of the fabric reaches
the cornering guide lines.
2. Lower the needle by turning the handwheel
3. Raise the presser foot and turn the fabric
counterclockwise 90°.
4. Lower the presser foot and begin stitching in the new
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