Operating Instructions (cont'd)
Temperature Regulation
Due to the nature of the typical gas water heater, the water tem-
Foeraturein certain situations may vary up to 30°F higher or
wet at the point of use such as, bathtubs, showers, sink, etc.
Turn the water temperature dial clockwiseLff'_) to decrease
the temperature, or counterclockwise (€" _) to increase the
This means that when the temperature adjustment dial is set at
the mark approximating 120°F, the actualwater temperature at
any hot water tap could be as high as 150°F or as low as 90°E
Any water heaters intended purpose Is to heat water. Hot ware
is needed for cleaning (bodies, dishes, clothing). Hot water will
present a scald hazard. Dejpending on the time element, and the
people involved (normaladults, children, toddlers, elderly,
infirm, etc.) scalding may occur atdifferent temperatures.
HOTTERWATERCAN SCALD:Water heatersareintendedto
producehot water.Water heatedto a temperaturewhichwill
satisfyclotheswashing,dishwashing,and othersanitizingneeds
canscaldand permanentlyinjureyouuponcontact.Somepeo-
plearemorelikelyto bepermanentlyinjuredbyhotwaterthan
lylmentallyhandicapped.If anyoneusinghotwater inyourhome
fitsintooneofthesegroupsor ifthere isalocalcodeorstatelaw
requiringacertaintemperaturewateratthe hotwater tap,then
you musttakespecialprecautions.Inadditionto usingthelowest
possibletemperaturesettingthatsatisfiesyour hotwater needs,
a meanssuchasa mixingvalve,shouldbe usedat the hotwater
tapsusedbythesepeopleor at the water heater.Mixingvalves
areavailableat plumbingsupplyor hardwarestore_Followman-
ufacturersinstructionsfor installationofthe valves.Before
changingthe factory setting on the thermostat, read the
"TemperatureRegulation"sectioninthis manual.
LIGHTING - Set here before lighting pilot.
• HOT- Is a thermostat setting of approximately
120°F, which will supply hot water at the
most economical temap,eratures.The tempera-
ture adjustment knob can be turned lower
than _HOT" if desired.
A - Is a thermostat setting of approximately
B -Is a thermostat setting of approximate|y
Neverallow smallchildrento usea hot watertap, or to draw
their own bathwater. Neverleavea childor handicappedper-
sonunattendedin abathtubor shower.
C - ls a thermostat setting of approximately
VERY HOT - Is a thermostat setting of 160°E It is recom-
mended that the dial be set lower whenever
The thermostat of this water heater has been factory set at its
lowest position, to reduce the risk of scald injury. It is adiustable
and must be reset to the desired temperature setting. The mark
(•) HOT indicative of approximately 120°F is the preferred
starting point. Some states have a requirement for a lower set-
ting. If you need hotter water, follow directions for temperature
adjustment, but beware of the warnings in this section.
NOTE: Water temperature range of 120°--140°F recom-
mended by most dishwasher manufacturers.
Shouldoverheatingoccuror the gassupplyfail to shutoff,
Iturn "OFF" themanualgascontrolvalveto the appliance. I