Section A: Pilot light will not light (new installation).
Is the manual gas shut-off valve, / klTurn the manual gas shut-off valve to I
located in the supply line to the I_ NO _ the on position and follow the lighting
water heater, in the on position? 1 " l instructions on the front of the water heater.
Have you bled all the air / . IWhile repeatedly depressing the igniter
from the pilot tube and ImNOml_lbutton, push in and hold the gas control/
I gas supply line? l --Itemperature knob until the pilot is lit and
. n maintains a stable flame (status light will
YES blink). It may take up to 90 seconds of
pilot operation before status light blinks.
Once status light blinks, release the gas
control/temperature knob.!
spark?IStheNoigniterproducing a pYES _
Follow the "Testing the Igniter ISet to I
[System sect on n th s manua. I thermostat desired temperature.
Section B: Pilot light repeatedly goes out.
Check the Base-Ring Filter and I Refer to the "Maintenance of
Flame Arrestor for blockage due i L.I your Water Heater" section of this
NO . . .
to lint or dust. Are both the Air Im NPl1 manual for information on cleaning
I Filter and Flame Arrestor clean? / Ithe flame arrestor and burner.
Does the flame
arrestor show signs
of discoloration?
Reassemble the heater, press the thermal
switch, and attempt to return the heater to
service. Does the pilot remain lit?
I Set to desired temperature. I
Does the diagnostic status light on the I
i Igas control valve/thermostat give
La two flash error code?
Refer to the "Replacing the Pilot I
ego to section C. I Assemby nstructons n the manua. I
I Reassemble and restore to service. I
Shut-off the gas supply to the water heater at the I
manual gas shut-off valve, and contact Sears Service
at 1-800-MY-HOME (1-800-469-4663).
Section C: Pilot light wilt not remain lit.
Complete this section after completing Section B.
l Checkfor insufficient combustionair. I
Are the combustion air supply and ventilation openings
of sufficient size? See "Combustion Air Supply and
IVentilation" section in this manual for requirements.
Does the return air duct for the furnace/ / 1
air handler/air conditioner draw its air from
the same location as the water heater? NO
See the "Location Requirements" section
and the Combust onA r Supp y sect on.
Contact a Heating and Air
Conditioning service technician
to relocate the return air duct.
The water heater's pilot can be
extinguished when the heating
or cooling system is turned on
if the return air duct is inthe
same location.
h,. Correct size of
i NOip, openings to allow
surf cent a r.
Is there proper I
drafting at the 1
drafthood? See I=N01
"Checking the Draft" l |
section in this manual.| i
i ,/---I
Check the vent system for
restrictions/obstructions and
check the vent termination
height. Refer to the "Installation
Instructions" section of this
manual for specific requirements.
If you are still having difficulty keeping the pilot]
lit, Contact Sears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME I
(1-800-469-4663) to request service. J
NOTE: If you are still experiencing difficulties
after following the steps in sections A, B, and C,
please contact Sears Service at 1-800-MY-HOME