Installation Instructions (cont'd)
Filling the Water Heater
Neverusethisvrat_rheater unlessit iscompletelyElled with I
water. To preve_ damnge to the tenk, the tenk must befilled I
with water. Water must flow from the hot water faucet
before turn ng' ON ' gasto the water beater.
To fill the water heater with water:
• Close the water heater drain valve by turning the handle to
the right (clockwise). The drain valve is on the lower front of
the water heater.
Open the cold water supply valve to the water heater.
NOTE: The cold water supply valve must be left open
when the water heater is in use.
To insure complete filling of the tank, allow air to exit by
opening the nearest hot water faucet. Allow water to tun
until a constant flow is obtained. This will let air out of the
water heater and the piping.
• Check all new water piping for leaks. Repair as needed.
VENT DAMPERS - Any vent damper, whether it is operated
thermally or otherwise must be removed ifits useinhibit3prop-
er drafting of the water heate_.
Thermally Operated Vent Dampers: Gas-fired water heaters
havingthermal efficiency in eacessof 80% may produce a rela-
tively lowfluegastemperature. Such temperatures maynotbe
high enough to properly open thermally operated vent
dampers. This wonldceuse spillageof flue gasasand rnay canse
ced_on monoKidepoisoning.
Vent dampen must bear evidenceof certification ascomplying
with the latest edition of American National Standard ANSI
Z21.68 (ANSI Z21.66 & 67, respecd_, coverelectrically and
mechanically actuated vent dampers). Before installationof any
vent dampe_ comuit yourlocalSearsServiceCenter or the gas
utilityfor further information.
To insureproperventingof this gas-firedwater heater,the
correctventpipediametermustbe utilized.Any additionsor
deletionsof othergasapplianceson acommonventwiththis
water heatermayadversely_q_ct the operationof thevm_r
heater,Consultthe localSearsServiceCenter or gasutilityif
For proper venting in certain installations, a larger diameter vent
pipe may be necessary. Due to great variances in installations,
unforeseeable by the manufacturer of the water heater, you must
consult your gas company to aid you in determining the proper
venting for your water heater from the vent tables in the latest edi-
tion of the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1, also referred to
as NFPA 54.
Check the venting system for signs of obstruction or deterioration
and replace if needed.
The combustion and ventilation air flow must not be obstructed.
Obstructedordeter_ratedventsystems_ presenta serious
healthriskor asphyxiation.
• Place the draft hood legs in the receiving holes on the top of
the water heater. The legs will snap in the holes to give a tight
• Place the vent pipe over the draft hood. With the vent pipe in
position, drill a small hole through both the vent pipe and
draft hood. Secure them together with a sheet metal screw.
I The water heater with draft hood inmdled must be properly I
vented to a chimney which terminates outdoor_ Never oper-
I atethewaterheateranlessit isventedtotbeontdonrsandhasI
I edequateair .su.pPlyte aveidrisksof improperoperation,explo-I
The vent pipefrom the water heater must be no lessthan the I
diameter of the draft hood outlet on the water heater, and