• Thread color change
In this window you are able to change the assigned thread
color of the selected part of the pattern.
Select the pattern and press the _?_key to open the
thread color change window.
Select the part you wish to change thread color by
pressing the color/part key (_.
(_ Color/part key
Select the desired color with the _ _J keys _ and the
desired color tone with the _ keys _.
Horizontal arrow keys _--j
Vertical arrow keys
Press the oKkey _ to register the new color setting, and
the color change window will close.
If you do not want to change the colors, press the _ key
to the edit mode window.
(_ OK key
Cancel key
A big arrow key (_ will be displayed next to a color/part
key when there are more design parts to be displayed.
Press it to view the other embroidery design parts.
Big arrow key